Migrating a Kubernetes Database in a LINSTOR Operator V1 Deployment

This document guides you through the steps to convert a LINBIT SDS Operator deployment using a separate etcd cluster to a deployment using the Kubernetes API as database.

When to Consider a Migration

Because the Operator v1 for LINSTOR® is older than the LINSTOR Kubernetes back-end database, the default Operator v1 deployment for a long time used a separate etcd cluster. Since then, maintaining etcd as the back-end database proved to be difficult, and often required manual intervention.

Because of this, consider migrating away from using a separate etcd cluster and use the Kubernetes back end.

If you already use a back end other than etcd, no migration is necessary. You can check which back end your LINSTOR cluster currently uses by entering the following command:

kubectl exec deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller -- cat /etc/linstor/linstor.toml

If the deployment is using an etcd back end, output should show this:

  connection_url = "etcd://linstor-op-etcd:2379"

If the connection_url value starts with etcd:// then the LINSTOR controller uses an etcd back end and you should consider migrating to a native Kubernetes database back end.


This guide assumes:

Migrating the LINSTOR Controller Database

During the database migration, the LINSTOR controller cannot be running so you will need to stop it. This means that you will not be able to use LINSTOR to provision or delete volumes during this time. Existing volumes will continue to work normally.

Stopping the LINSTOR Controller

To prevent unwanted modifications to the database during the migration operation, you need to stop the LINSTOR controller. To stop the LINSTOR controller, set the expected replicas for the controller to zero.

First, find the release information for your current LINSTOR in Kubernetes deployment by using a helm list command.

helm list

Output under the APP VERSION column should show the version number of your LINSTOR Operator deployment, for example:

NAME        [...]   APP VERSION
linstor-op  [...]   1.10.8

Next, set a variable equal to your installed LINSTOR Operator version.


Next, change the deployment so that there are no deployed replicas of the LINSTOR controller. For the purposes of this how-to guide, this is the same as “stopping” the controller.

helm upgrade linstor-op linstor/linstor --version $CURRENTVERS --reuse-values --set operator.controller.replicas=0
kubectl rollout status deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller --watch

Output should eventually show that the LINSTOR Operator was successfully rolled out:

deployment "linstor-op-cs-controller" successfully rolled out

Verifying That the LINSTOR Controller Is Not Running

If you enter a kubectl get pods command, output should not show a linstor-op-cs-controller Pod. You can also verify the new deployment by using a kubectl describe command:

kubectl describe deployments.apps linstor-op-cs-controller | grep -i replicas

Output should show that there are no replicas of the deployment:

Replicas:   0 desired | 0 updated | 0 total | 0 available | 0 unavailable

Preparing a Pod for Running the Database Migration

After stopping the LINSTOR controller in your Kubernetes deployment, you can prepare a Pod that will run the database migration, from etcd to Kubernetes native.

Getting Information About the Current Deployment

First, get information about the current deployment that you will use to populate environment variables that you will use to create the database migration Pod:

kubectl get deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller --output=jsonpath='IMAGE={$.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name=="linstor-controller")].image}{"\n"}CONFIG_MAP={$.spec.template.spec.volumes[?(@.name=="linstor-conf")].configMap.name}{"\n"}SERVICE_ACCOUNT={$.spec.template.spec.serviceAccountName}{"\n"}'

Output should be similar to this:


Creating Environment Variables

Copy this output and paste it into your shell to create the IMAGE, CONFIG_MAP, and SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variables.

Deploying a Database Migration Pod

To deploy a Pod that will handle the database migration work, first create a YAML configuration file that will describe the database migration Pod by entering the following command:

cat << EOF > linstor-db-migration-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: linstor-database-migration
  serviceAccountName: $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
    - name: backup
      image: $IMAGE
        - /bin/bash
        - -c
        - "sleep infinity"
        - name: linstor-conf
          mountPath: /etc/linstor
          readOnly: true
        - name: backup
          mountPath: /backup
        - name: logs
          mountPath: /logs
    - name: backup
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: logs
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: linstor-conf
        name: $CONFIG_MAP

Next, apply the configuration file to your Kubernetes deployment and wait for the Pod to reach a ready state.

kubectl apply -f linstor-db-migration-pod.yaml
kubectl wait -f linstor-db-migration-pod.yaml --for=condition=Ready --timeout=15m

Backing Up the Database

After the Pod is in a ready state, you can use it to create a backup of your existing database. You will use this backup later to migrate your deployment data to the native Kubernetes back-end database.

To back up the etcd database, enter the following command:

kubectl exec linstor-database-migration -- /usr/share/linstor-server/bin/linstor-database export-db -c /etc/linstor /backup/backup-before-migration.json

After exporting the backup, copy it to your host. This will be an additional "backup copy” should there be issues during the migration.

kubectl cp linstor-database-migration:backup/backup-before-migration.json backup-before-migration.json

Updating the LINSTOR Configuration to Point to the New Database Back End

Enter the following command to update the LINSTOR controller configuration so that it uses the native Kubernetes database as a back end.

helm upgrade linstor-op linstor/linstor --version $CURRENTVERS --reuse-values --set operator.controller.dbConnectionURL=k8s

This will cause the LINSTOR configuration to be updated, setting the Kubernetes API as new connection_url. However, it can take a few seconds for the configuration in the Pod to be updated. Wait until the configuration has updated in the container and shows the connection_url = "k8s":

kubectl exec linstor-database-migration -- cat /etc/linstor/linstor.toml
  connection_url = "k8s"

Importing the Database From a Backup

Import the database into the new Kubernetes back end from the backup that you made earlier, by entering the following command:

kubectl exec linstor-database-migration -- /usr/share/linstor-server/bin/linstor-database import-db -c /etc/linstor /backup/backup-before-migration.json

Output should eventually show that the database import operation finished.

20:32:26.970 [main] INFO LINSTOR/linstor-db -- SYSTEM - Import finished

Starting the LINSTOR Controller

After importing the database to the new back end, you can start the LINSTOR controller by updating the replica count of its Pod, by entering the following command:

helm upgrade linstor-op linstor/linstor --version $CURRENTVERS --reuse-values --set operator.controller.replicas=1

Verifying That the LINSTOR Controller Is Running

You can enter another kubectl get pods command to verify that you started the LINSTOR controller successfully. Output should show a linstor-op-cs-controller Pod in a running state.

In addition, you can check the state of the LINSTOR cluster using the linstor command:

kubectl exec deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller -- linstor node list
kubectl exec deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller -- linstor resource list
kubectl exec deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller -- linstor volume list

Verifying the LINSTOR Controller Database Back End

Finally, you can verify that the LINSTOR controller has a connection to the native Kubernetes database back end, by entering the following command:

kubectl exec deploy/linstor-op-cs-controller -- cat /etc/linstor/linstor.toml

Output from the command should show that the LINSTOR controller uses the native Kubernetes database as its back end:

  connection_url = "k8s"

Cleaning Up the Database Migration and etcd Resources

After successfully verifying that the LINSTOR controller Pod is again up and running, you can delete the database migration Pod.

kubectl delete pod linstor-database-migration

Because your LINSTOR controller no longer uses an etcd database as its back end, you can upgrade the deployment and disable the etcd back end in the configuration, by entering the following command:

helm upgrade linstor-op linstor/linstor --version $CURRENTVERS --reuse-values --set etcd.enabled=false