Installing LINSTOR Operator v2

After removing the LINSTOR Operator v1 deployment, you can install LINSTOR Operator v2.

You can deploy the LINSTOR Operator v2 by using either the Kustomize tool, integrated with kubectl, or else by using Helm and a LINBIT Helm chart.

This is the last step when migrating the LINSTOR Operator from version 1 (v1) to version 2 (v2).


To install the LINSTOR Operator v2 into your current deployment, you will need to install the following tools:

Deploying LINSTOR Operator v2 by Using Kustomize

You can use kubectl and the built-in kustomize feature to deploy LINSTOR Operator v2.

For instructions on how to do this, refer to the documentation in the LINSTOR User’s Guide. Follow the user’s guide instructions for deploying the Operator v2, After deploying the Operator, return to this page (Step 4) and continue to the “Deploying the LINBIT SDS Cluster” instructions below.

Deploying LINSTOR Operator v2 by Using Helm

You can also use Helm to deploy LINSTOR Operator v2.

Instructions on how to do this are also in the LINSTOR User’s Guide. Follow the user’s guide instructions for deploying the Operator v2, After deploying the Operator, return to this page (Step 4) and continue to the “Deploying the LINBIT SDS Cluster” instructions below.

Deploying the LINBIT SDS Cluster

LINBIT SDS is the term that describes a LINSTOR and DRBD deployment. The LINSTOR Operator is a part of a LINBIT SDS deployment in Kubernetes. After deploying the LINSTOR Operator v2, you can fully deploy LINBIT SDS in your Kubernetes cluster by using the resources that you generated in Step 2.

Creating a Secret

When installing the LINSTOR Operator v1 by using Helm, Helm automatically generates a passphrase for LINSTOR. After Helm initializes LINSTOR with the passphrase, the LINSTOR controller will not be able to fully start without supplying the passphrase. In Step 2 of the migration instructions, you collected the passphrase from your existing Operator v1 deployment. You will use that passphrase to create a secret that you can use to migrate your resources into the Operator v2 deployment.

To create the secret, enter the following commands:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - --server-side
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: linstor-op-passphrase
  namespace: linbit-sds # Change the namespace here

Output from a successful kubectl apply command will show that the secret was applied.

secret/linstor-op-passphrase serverside-applied

Applying Resources

Next, apply the resources that you collected in a v2-resources.yaml file by running the collection script in the Step 2 instructions.

kubectl apply -f v2-resources.yaml --server-side

Output from a successful command will show that your resources were created. serverside-applied serverside-applied serverside-applied

Now the cluster will come up, using the existing data to restore the cluster state.

Verifying Cluster State

Before verifying your cluster state, you can change your kubectl command context to the linbit-sds namespace, by entering the following command:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=linbit-sds

Next, you can check the cluster state by using various linstor command line client commands:

kubectl exec deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor node list
kubectl exec deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor storage-pool list
kubectl exec deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor resource list-volumes
kubectl exec deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor error-reports list

You can also provision new volumes, to verify that the cluster is operational.